Saturday, February 14, 2009

Using CINT - C/C++ Interpreter - An experiment with vector

Let do something with vector
cint.exe> L vector
cint.exe> {vector<int> temps;}
cint.exe> {temps.push_back(6);}
cint.exe> {temps.push_back(4);}
cint.exe> {temps.push_back(5);}
cint.exe> {temps.size();}
(const unsigned int)3
cint.exe> {temps[0];}
cint.exe> {temps[1];}
cint.exe> {temps[2];}
So it works well, now there is time to try some algorithm
cint.exe> L algorithm
cint.exe> {sort(temps.begin(),temps.end());}
Error: Template Function value_type(first) is not defined in current scope  algo.h(735)
!!!Dictionary position rewound... !!!Error recovered!!!
It seems that there is some problem with STL lib coming with CINT in Windows. Looking at STL header files, I found that Function value_type is declared in _iterator.h surrounded by a condition for whatever reason
#if (G__GNUC>=3)

#if (G__GNUC_VER>=3001) 
inline T* value_type(const vector::iterator&) {return (T*)(0);}
To fix it is fairly simple
cint : C/C++ interpreter  (mailing list '')
   Copyright(c) : 1995~2005 Masaharu Goto (
   revision     : 5.16.19, March 16, 2007 by M.Goto

No main() function found in given source file. Interactive interface started.
'h':help, 'q':quit, '{statements;}' or 'p [expr]' to evaluate

cint.exe> {#define G__GNUC 4}
cint.exe> {#define G__GNUC_VER 4001}
cint.exe> L vector
cint.exe> L algorithm
cint.exe> {vector<int> temps;}
cint.exe> {temps.push_back(6);}
cint.exe> {temps.push_back(4);}
cint.exe> {temps.push_back(5);}
cint.exe> {temps.size();}
(const unsigned int)3
cint.exe> {temps[0];}
cint.exe> {temps[1];}
cint.exe> {temps[2];}
cint.exe> {sort(temps.begin(),temps.end());}
cint.exe> {temps[0];}
cint.exe> {temps[1];}
cint.exe> {temps[2];}

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