Monday, January 12, 2009

Retrospective 2008

Year 2008 was marked by an important event of my life and my career. I have joined ING Direct Japan (INGDJ) and moved to Tokyo in September. So far I feel OK. Within last 4 months, I have done a couple of things. Technically
1. Learned how to manage WebSphere Application Server and MQ infrastructure in a complex IT environment for banking business.
2. Write a bundle of ruby scripts to perform administrative activities related to WebSphere including system monitoring, log management and application deployment.
3. Learned JVM internal stuff like GC, heap dump, core dump analysis tools, JAVA decompiler and JVM assembler language
4. Use VIM (as primary editor) and GIT
5. Learned Python and it's Java implementation Jython primarily and use it for WebSphere Application Server scripting