Clone a remote repository into the local disk - repository is create as a clone of the remote repository identified by a given url
git clone git:// cd code # goto directory containing local repository git config "le huy" #configure your name git config "" #and email that will be used when committingSample .git/config - git create a .git directory to store it's data, file .git/config contains configuration data including remote repository, which remote branch is link with which local one
cat .git/config [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = true bare = false logallrefupdates = true [remote "origin"] url = git:// fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [gui] geometry = 885x450+5+65 399 192 [branch "master"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/master [branch "cpp"] remote = origin merge = refs/heads/cppSubmodule - git submodule is used to link to external repository (equivalent to subversion extern)
cat .gitmodules [submodule "mspec"] path = mspec url = git:// [submodule "spec/frozen"] path = spec/frozen url = git:// and update submodule from external repository
git submodule init # init submodule repository based on .gitmodules git submodule updateShow current branch - show which branch we are working on, switch between them
git branch # will show us local branches * cpp master git branch -a # will show us all branches including local and remote * cpp master origin/cmakebuild origin/cpp origin/fusion-experiment origin/instance_eval origin/master origin/wilson64 git checkout master # switch to branch named 'master' git checkout dev # switch to branch named 'dev'We can sometime create new branches in addition to 'master' to work concurrently on many features
Create new branch
git branch working # create branch 'working' git checkout working # switch to branch named 'working' git branch dev --track origin/dev # create local branch 'dev' that track the remote branch origin/devThe current working branch is now 'working'
Delete branch - we can remove unused branch if it is no longer needed
git branch -d working # delete 'working' branchUpdate from remote repository - e.g. wait until someone commit the patch to the main trunk then update changes from git://
git pull will perform merge change on remote branch to local branch
git pullgit rebase will save local changes away, update from remote branch, and then reapply them
git rebase masterPush change to remote repository
git push # push will update a --track branch in remote repository,Edit source code - do some source code editing
gedit kernel/core/kernel.rbShow modification - show what I have modify without committing change
git diff HEAD # HEAD is symbol for latest/head version of current branchRevert back -when recognizing that there is something wrong, we can undo the modification, all changes are lost
git reset --hard HEADEdit source code - Do some source code editing again
gedit kernel/core/module.rbCommit changes - commit change in current branch
git commit -a -s # vi editor will be popped up for entering committing messageCreate patch - create patch containing changes between 2 branches local 'master' and remote 'origin/master'
git checkout master # switch to branch 'master' git format-patch origin/master --stdout # to standard output git format-patch origin/master -o ../patch # create formated patch as a file and store in directory ../patchCreate a ticket - goto in create a ticket and attach a patch file to it
Revert change - switch to branch named 'master' and revert back directory tree in original state, all changes are lost
git checkout master git reset --hard HEADResolve conflict - if there is a conflict on file, git stop doing and ask for manually resolve, to inform that the conflict has been resolved on e.g. kernel/core/module.rb, use
gedit kernel/core/module.rb # after manually resolve conflict git add kernel/core/module.rb # inform git that conflict on file kernel/core/module.rb is resolvedApply patch
git-apply ../patch/0001-Fixes-for-Class-include-and-Class-extend-to-handle-c.patchApply patch partly - if a patch contains modification of multi files and there are conflict with some of them during patching, then use --reject option to modify only non-conflicted files and create filename.rej for those conflicted
git-apply --reject ../patch/0001-Fixes-for-Class-include-and-Class-extend-to-handle-c.patchRemove file from stage Making change into git repository actually happens in two steps, 1) add the new/modified file into stage area 2) commit stage area. If for some reason, we want to revert the step 1) we can do as follow
$git status # On branch master # # Initial commit # # Changes to be committed: # (use "git rm --cachedGit getting popular now when many open source projects moved from subversion to git, Zack Rusin has done very nice git cheat sheet summarizing git usage scenarios below..." to unstage) # # new file: dict_parser/tests/ # $ git rm --cached dict_parser/tests/ rm 'dict_parser/tests/' $ git status # On branch master # # Initial commit # # Untracked files: # (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed) # # dict_parser/